Diastema Closure: Orthodontic Approach Vs. Restorative Approach

Diastema Closure: Orthodontic Approach Vs. Restorative Approach

Diastema, or the gap between teeth, is a common concern for many patients seeking dental treatment. In our recent webinar, Dr. Ahmed Khairy, a renowned orthodontist and restorative dentist, shared his expertise on Diastema Closure and the Orthodontic Approach Vs. Restorative Approach.

Dr. Khairy provided a comprehensive overview of both orthodontic and restorative approaches to treating diastema, highlighting the benefits and limitations of each method. He also shared his insights on how to achieve optimal results using a combination of both approaches.

With real-life case studies and practical tips, this webinar is a valuable resource for orthodontists, restorative dentists, and general practitioners who want to improve their patient care and expand their skill set.

If you missed this informative webinar, don't worry! You can still watch the full recording by clicking on the link below:

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